Four reasons to join our training course on optimising your search user experience.

Michael Hewitt 4 years ago

Zazzle Media and our partners at Stickyeyes will be hosting an in-house marketers guide to optimising your search user experience as part of BrightonSEO 2021. Here’s why you should join us.

Experience is big on the agenda

Experience is a big talking point in the world of search. In truth, it has been for a long time, but it is a topic that is getting increased prominence in the coming months.

We’ve been used to updates designed to enhance user experience before from Google. We’ve seen updates to encourage mobile accessibility and improved page speed for example, but it isn’t stopping there. Back in November 2020, Google announced that from May, page experience signals will be included in Google search rankings.

But the argument for enhancing user experience extends beyond SEO considerations. Particularly as more and more consumers turn to online and ecommerce, the experience that you deliver to those users can really make the difference when it comes to delivering a return on investment. Technical considerations, brand considerations and customer experience considerations don’t exist in silo, and this training course demonstrates how they are all connected.

We take you through the important parts of the customer journey.

Because we approach things from the point of view of what the searcher experiences, we take you through the whole customer journey.

So we start by looking at why people search for the things they search for; the moments that trigger a user to turn on their laptop of get out their phones to find the answer to what they’re looking for. At that point, we talk about how you can understand the intent behind those searches, and how you can be in the right place, at the right time.

We also look at how consumers go on to discover brands that can help them with those answers and how, using branded, functional and informational content, in-house marketers can really enhance the user experience delivered to their target audiences.

And finally, we get to the end of the journey to talk about conversion. This is the point at which we help in-house marketers to really capitalise on the traffic that they generate and the positive engagement that they have built with their target audience. In particular, you’ll learn how to identify, understand and overcome consumer anxieties that prevent them from converting.

If your boss is asking you to prove the ROI, this course will help you

Because we take you through the ‘pointy end’ of the user search journey, what we take you through will help you to demonstrate just how your investment in search will deliver tangible and measurable return on investment both in the short and long term.

By focusing on user experience, rather than a relatively small and technical aspect of SEO that can sometimes be difficult to measure out of context to other activity. Instead, our modules will help you to understand the role that each of the key elements of search engine optimisation plays in the experiences that your audiences see in their search journey.

So you should be able to more confidently answer that question on how your investment in content is benefitting both the top and the bottom line.

If that sounds like the sort of insight you’re looking for, sign-up to access the in-house marketer’s guide to maximising your user search experience.

Six expert presenters

The course is made up of six modules, each presented by specialists from the Stickyeyes Group. They’ll share their experiences of working on a range of brands, from SME to global enterprise, from a wide variety of industries – including B2B and B2C.

Each presenter will present their own module, which you can view on demand and at your leisure, before we bring back our presenters for a final Q&A session where they share their final tips and advice.

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