Brands need content. It’s at the heart of the ‘brand as publisher’ concept. They need to use the power of words to reach out to their audience and deliver the product or service they need.
As Zazzle Media's MD Simon Penson put it in a post for Moz, the idea here is:
“...that you're able to build an engaged, loyal audience of value for your brand... an audience you can then monetise later.”
Yet it’s one thing realising that you need words to deliver this for you, but quite another to know how to deliver them. Luckily for me, that’s where writers come in. Having made the jump from journalism to marketing, it’s great to see that there’s a demand for people to help brands sail these waters.
Sometimes a company may find themselves pondering how they should write. The first port of call should be George Orwell’s ‘six elementary rules’. The 1984 and Animal Farm writer might have written these rules in 1946, but they’re just as relevant in a world of social media and online content that would have been alien to him.
The rules are as follows:
With apologies to Orwell, at Zazzle Media we might summarise those rules in the following way:
But that’s 'Orwell and good' (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun, it’s a journalism thing) but brands need to consider the words they choose and not just the way they construct them.
If brands are to become publishers then they need to start behaving like publishers and adopting some of the working practices they have perfected.
Orwell’s rules need to be implemented on top of some sound foundations and that’s where a content style guide comes in. Tellingly, in fact, those rules appear at the very top of the style guide of The Economist, introducing the important rights and wrongs that follow.
The style guide is the Bible of the newsroom. Its yellowing pages are thrown in your direction as a rookie reporter and it’s this that you’re beaten over the head with – metaphorically and, depending on the aggression of your news editor, literally.
In a newsroom this will help you understand the correct way to write out military ranks or religious roles – the sorts of things that will inevitably lead to complaints if you get them wrong. That’s the important thing to bear in mind when it comes to a style guide and, in particular, a brand’s style guide. Errors with this are distracting and damaging.
We can all appreciate this when it comes to typos, for example. A bad typo will be captured in a screen shot and sent around the corners of the internet – on platforms where your embarrassment is a source of great mirth. It certainly happened to me as a journalist.
Here are a few examples. Poor old ‘Jeremy Corbyn’ doesn’t took too happy to have his name spelled incorrectly on the front of the Independent:
How about this one from The National Council for the Training of Journalists will be red faced at its inability to spell ‘journalism’:
Then there’s this from a Digiday interview with Piers Morgan – with an incorrect lower case ‘jack’, awful spelling of ‘England’ and confusing sentence structure:
These errors show that it happens to the best of us.
I love the content produced by the Independent and Digiday and I have benefitted from the training of the NCTJ. These are not bedroom bloggers scrawling out nonsense. They are highly respected bodies with high standards and they still make mistakes. There is no silver bullet to eliminate typos, you just need to find the best proofreader you can get your hands on and put your faith in their expert eyes.
The reason why it’s important to flag up typos in this piece, however, is that brands need to realise that style errors can, in my opinion, be more toxic that a typo. That’s where the Digiday example comes in handy. Try reading that sentence aloud and you won’t sound very coherent. These are not just errors made from a misplaced keystroke.
Style issues leave a similar stain on the material they are contained within.
By ‘style issues’ we mean things like:
So, why are these such a problem?
Firstly, like typos, they are distracting for the reader. This means that they are likely to focus on these points rather than what you actually want to say. That undermines your text and all the efforts you have put into writing it.
Secondly, they paint your brand in a bad light. There’s an association in the reader’s head between content accuracy and professionalism. If a business doesn’t know where to plonk an apostrophe in a word, can it seriously be trusted to handle your custom? Does it pay such a lack of attention to the products and services it delivers? That might seem grossly unfair but, you know, life’s not fair.
As a publisher you gain the trust of your readers by producing valuable content. Text that is littered with errors will not gain or retain any trust. Readers will also, rightly or wrongly, expect you to adhere to the same standards as publishers. Bloggers might be forgiven for clumsy text, brands won’t.
Fancy a read of some of the best content style guides in the business?
Here are four that we enjoy – and turn to from time to time:
These publishers have made their style guides available online but in the era of ‘brand as publisher’ I think it’s increasingly important to consider a ‘brand-friendly’ content style guide rather than try to wade through those. There’s a need to strip away journalistic terms and add in a few basics that will help people who aren’t writers ‘by trade’. Then, depending on your industry, you can replace the journalese with the terminology that is relevant to your business – the equivalent of the military ranks and religious roles that could leave you red faced.
That’s why we’ve decided to step up to the task.
Zazzle’s content team, which has experience in a variety of roles ‘on the other side of the fence’, has produced a content style guide that you can download and adopt right away. It covers about 40 essential pointers that can help you to develop a solid ‘style’ that can run throughout your written content. It forms the basis on which you could take Orwell’s writing rules forward. If you’ve not got a content style guide then you’re not ready for the world of ‘brand as publisher’. With this, we can get you up to speed. Remember too that this isn’t about punishing the people who don’t know these rules.
Not everyone knows every rule off the top of their head. That’s precisely why the guide is there. It’s a vital resource and something to fall back on when it comes to those things you always find tricky or that you just can’t quite put your finger on in the heat of the moment.
No-one has a monopoly on wisdom but we’re pretty proud of our guide. Please download it, use it and let us know what you think.
Brands who want to take their role as publisher seriously will need to use our style guide as a starting point. So, after you’ve downloaded it, what do you do next?
Here’s our step by step guide:
That should all be fairly straightforward – although get in touch if you have in questions and we’d be happy to talk through any content style dilemmas you have.
We’re good like that…
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