There are almost three million blog posts published every single day on WordPress alone. From political polemics to lifestyle long-reads, the content available in the blogging spectrum gives us an insight into the thoughts, hopes and fears of people from many different perspectives.
Increasingly, brands are finding their place in this eco-system having cottoned on to the power of content. No-one really says ‘content is king’ these days, it’s surely widely accepted enough to go without saying. It’d be like remarking that ‘electricity is useful’ or ‘that sliced bread is a nifty invention’.
The same strengths attract everyone to blogging – there are no barriers to publication, you can create and control the message you want to communicate and you can reach out to a large audience. Those strengths all provide an opportunity – but they also reflect the nature of the challenge.
With access to blogging so widespread, and competition so fierce, how do you stand out from the crowd? How do you ‘find your voice’ as a brand and deliver content that is appropriate to your values, of a consistently high standard and that fits into your overall marketing strategy. Get creative now and download the eBook on the button below!
The answer is to take the process seriously and start to think and act like a publisher. Publishers have perfected this process in print over decades – if not longer – and the fundamentals are similar, albeit updated and translated to digital platforms befitting the modern day.
The challenge is for brands to picture themselves as the leading magazine in their niche/field and to produce the content that this publication would typically work on.
Blogs are not the only part of this content mix – far from it – but they should sit right at the heart of a successful content calendar and be treated with a level of care and attention befitting a publisher.
This is something that we, Zazzle Media’s content team, feel passionate about and strive to help clients deliver a varied and vibrant mix of blog material. We also feel that it’s important that brand understand the whole process and don’t neglect any of the key steps that must be taken to deliver the right results.
Today, we’re proud to launch the second volume of our three-part eBook ‘The Ultimate Guide to Blogging for Your Brand’. This volume, available as a free download, looks at the ways to ensure your content is professional, consistent and reaches the high standards that you must aspire to.
It outlines:
The first volume, which was published in the summer as is still available to download for free now, looked at the important building blocks that have to be in place before you can even get to this writing stage.
The final volume, released this coming winter, will go on to explain how to enhance, promote and analyse your blog content to complete the process.
You can download this latest eBook by clicking the button below. If you have any questions, please get in touch via the Contact Form.
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